The Gift of Self Care in 2019

2019 is the Year of Self CARE.

You have the first SAY....the first DIBBS on your Life and Wellbeing.
We Encourage you to follow your intuition by tending to the areas of your life that call for your attention. 
Remember the body is a brilliantly design mechanism that is designed to restore, regenerate and realign itself if we allow it. Staying Positive is just the first jump. 
The next leap and bound is challenging yourself to actually get out and there and start to do and become all that you envision for yourself. 

Convincing yourself that you indeed do deserve the ultra experience of Fulfillment, Joy and Greatness in this Life. Wake your MIND UP! Don't fall complacent with the things around you--but constantly tap into the new possibilities and inspire change and new hope for yourself.

Let's be clear about what Self Care is.....
It's more than pampering yourself or sleeping in for those much needed hours of rest but actually getting closer to the inner you and doing the necessary Soul Work through self reflection, journaling, stillness, through music or by way of an active service. It could be anything that helps bring about Revelation. 

There are more one ways to enhance your experience:
Take some time to Explore the Page we have a full stock of Self Care Tools for You....
  • Positive Affirmation Cards
  • DoTerra Essential Oils Class/Shop
  • Recipes/Juices
  • GYROKINESIS® Classes and Private Sessions

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